Inclusive Education Center, Georgian Technical University – Tbilisi, Georgia

The Inclusive Education Centre at Georgian Technical University supports people with disabilities and students/employees with refugee or immigrant backgrounds. Equality and diversity are well supported at Georgian Technical University. The Centre promotes the realisation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons with disabilities and ensures equality and inclusion in education by improving the educational infrastructure, learning environment, and materials that support and meet the needs of all teachers and learners. The Centre implements appropriate and effective mechanisms and uses technologies, techniques, and educational resources relevant to the needs of people with disabilities; the University enables people with disabilities to further their education, develop their personality and creative abilities, and realise their mental and physical capabilities.

Over the past two years, the office has implemented the following activities related to equal access/inclusion/diversity:

  • support and counselling for students and university staff,
  • lectures, workshops, seminars for students, faculty, and non-teaching staff.

Lectures, workshops, and seminars for students, faculty, and non-teaching staff have important implications for raising public awareness of inclusion and diversity issues.

To ensure an equal, non-discriminatory, and family-friendly environment and academic relations, the Georgian University of Technology’s Gender Equality Plan (GEP) was developed.

The number of students identified as needing special education has more than doubled in Georgia over the past five years. Therefore, a multidisciplinary inclusive education team has been established in the Ministry of Education and Science to provide qualified support in the development of inclusive education, while the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs is involved in defining disability and needs.
The Ministry of Education and Science is responsible for the country’s inclusive education policy. A multidisciplinary inclusive education team has been established within the Ministry of Education and Science to provide qualified support for the development of inclusive education. The Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs is involved in defining disability and needs. Diversity, inclusion, and equality are explicitly mentioned in its programme/office and in the University’s strategies, policies and work plans. The Center is not part of a network.
The biggest challenges facing the Center are those related to infrastructure and poor funding.
The Center does not have a formal evaluation process.

Inclusive Education Center

