Background and Rationale
The IDEA-net project aims to address the gap in the institutional culture of most European universities, where diversity and inclusion have not been fully embraced and integrated throughout all levels. This is especially evident in the way diversity and inclusion are addressed in different European regions, leaving the European higher education sector uneven. The project recognizes that creating a culture of diversity and inclusion requires deep introspection and the ability to empathize with experiences outside of our own. This work is challenging, but starting a dialogue is the first step to creating actionable steps that lead to more peaceful, just and thriving communities.
The project seeks to embed inclusiveness and excellence throughout every aspect of participating universities, thereby addressing the need for diversity, equity, and inclusion to become woven into the fabric of university operations and integrated into the work of faculty and staff, as well as in the experiences of all students across universities. The project recognizes that dismantling structural inequalities in academia is a critical, yet challenging, task that requires a set of packages to support the integration and incorporation of IDEA within daily operations, standard practices, processes, and initiatives.