University of Rijeka – Rijeka, Croatia
The institutional model of enhancing ED &I at the University of Rijeka (UNIRI) is the result of UNIRI’s strategic direction and historical orientation towards access to education, ensuring equal opportunities for all, serving vulnerable and underrepresented groups, promoting diversity, and the inclusion and dignity of every person as fundamental principles that alongside heightened academic integrity and public accountability, enhance research and education’s authentic quality and contribute to justice in society.
The programme supports people with disabilities, low-income students, first-generation students, students/staff from refugee or immigrant backgrounds, disadvantaged groups/underrepresented (fe)males and others, potential students of diverse underprivileged status.
Over the past two years, the office has implemented the following activities related to equal access/inclusion/diversity:
- Support and consultation for students and university staff,
- Lectures, workshops, seminars for students, faculty, and non-teaching staff,
- Training courses for peer educators,
- Public promotion (e.g., production of media content such as podcasts),
- Improving physical accessibility,
- Improving digital accessibility,
- Gender equality awards.
The motivation for establishing the programme was a Strategic orientation Values. Strategic orientation Mission The institutional model for improving ED &I at UNIRI is the result of UNIRI’s strategic direction and its historical focus on access to education, ensuring equal opportunity for all, serving vulnerable and underrepresented groups, promoting diversity, and the inclusion and dignity of every person as foundational principles that alongside heightened academic integrity and public accountability, enhance research and education’s authentic quality and contribute to equity in society.
UNIRI shares the vision of the Young Universities for Europe’s Future (YUFE) Alliance on diversity and inclusivity:
to be a leader and recognised on diversity and inclusivity;
to be a place of positive and open discourse on diversity and inclusivity;
to have inclusive systems, structures, policies and procedures;
to reflect diversity in society at all levels of the institution;
to make all staff and students advocates of diversity and inclusivity and inspire others to share YUFE values. UNIRI Code of Ethics UNIRI Statute Gender Equality Plan Student Counceling Centre Community engagement.
Diversity, inclusion and equality are explicitly mentioned in its programme/office and in the University’s strategies, policies and work plans.
The programme is part of local networks, regional networks, national networks, and European networks. The benefits of being part of these networks are access to funding and knowledge sharing, inspiration from best practises, and lessons learned from fighting pushbacks.
The programme is funded by core activities, “Programski ugovori” (EN. Program contracts) and own funds, SSC – Grad, Student Culture Centre, EU funds (Horizon Europe), the UK government (UNIGEM project), Norway and Liechtenstein, the Canadian Embassy OISEE. The main obstacle to ensuring the long-term sustainability of the programme is the uncertainty of receiving EU funds. The programme is independent of unpaid volunteers.
The programme has a formal evaluation process. Evaluation data is collected through institutional reporting procedures and institutional research. The evaluation report is shared internally and externally with the Senate, working committees, student body, SDGs, HRS4R, YUFE, regional partners, national ombudspersons, and EUA.
Equity, diversity and Inclusivity (ED&I)
Rijeka, Croatia
IDEA-net: Expanding the network of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access (IDEA) practitioners in higher education through institutional capacity building
Project ref: 2022-1-NL01-KA220-HED-000089789
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.