University of Ljubljana – Ljubljana, SLOVENIA

Each department at the Faculty of Arts has a Departmental Committee on Quality. The programme supports people with disabilities, low-income students, foreign students, students/staff with refugee or immigrant backgrounds, first year students, and LGBTQ students/staff.

Over the past two years, the faculty have implemented the following activities related to equal access/inclusion/diversity:

  • support and counselling for students and university staff,
  • lectures, workshops, seminars for students, faculty, and non-teaching staff,
  • training courses for peer educators,
  • public promotion (e.g., production of media content such as podcasts),
  • improving physical accessibility,
  • improving digital accessibility.
A group of researchers at the Faculty of Arts participated in a European project on gender equality – and it was accepted at the faculty level. The aim was to point out and also emphasize the differences that arise due to gender differences, and at the same time equality between the genders should become part of the general faculty policy.
The Faculty of Arts is divided into 21 departments. Each department has its own departmental quality committee, which submits data and reports to the Faculty committee for the annual report on quality assurance (and meets at least twice a year). Within this committee there is a system of tutors who participate and confidants for all staff and students who need help due to violations of equality/access/inclusion, etc. Students and staff can also submit their views or comments on any topic or report dissatisfaction/abuse/inequity/problems anonymously or with revealed identity via internet form, in mailbox specially set up for this purpose or turn to “safe” person or any tutor. Diversity, inclusion and equality are explicitly mentioned in its programme/office and in the University’s strategies, policies and work plans. The Faculty participates in national and European networks with whom it shares ideas, best practises and awareness.
The programme is part of the administration of the Faculty of Arts administration and is supported by projects; funding is very volatile after the projects. Funding for the programme is very uncertain and the programme is very dependent on unpaid volunteers. The biggest challenge is the lack of funding to hire a dedicated person or establish an office to address equity and diversity issues.
Faculty has a formal evaluation of the programme; the project group uses qualitative and quantitative indicators using a pre-designed evaluation questionnaire. Data are collected sporadically by researchers. The faculty would like the data to be systematically accessible through administrative programmes. The evaluation report is disseminated as part of the annual quality report.

A Gender equality plan and a Quality assurance committee

Ljubljana, Slovenia